My Journey
I come from a secular and scientific background with a First Class Honours degree in Psychology from Bristol University, and three years experience working for the NHS on an acute all-male psychiatric ward, before I heeded the unexpected and galvanising call to the shamanic path.
What is shamanism?
At the most fundamental level, shamanism can be understood as the prototype of all religion - comprising a science of energies and collection of ancient techniques which awaken and expand consciousness e.g. through meditation, drumming, dancing, nature immersion, and communing with plant medicines. The role of a shamanic practitioner is as an intercessor between the subtler dimensions of energy or spirit, and this reality to elicit healing and transformation within their community.
Heeding the call
Upon finishing University in 2017, I experienced a prolonged existential crisis ignited by a deep sense of disillusionment with western society, particularly its psychiatric paradigm to treat mental illness. I was depressed, nihilistic, and felt deeply troubled by the cultural values of the society and the life it had carved out for me.
It was here, that a great force within me began to stir, waiting to be remembered. I became intensely determined to regain a sense of connection to life, the Earth and the Universe - a process which led onto the initiatic path of a spiritual awakening.

A path of Remembering
Over the next four years, I was guided by a fierce inner force - my soul - to spend as much time as possible in solitude amongst the natural world. I practiced silence, meditation, and contemplation, delving into many spiritual and esoteric disciplines including: vipassana meditation, breath-work, fasting, shamanic journeying, sound healing, cold water immersion, and plant medicine shamanism with: Tobacco (Mapacho), Cacao, Ayahuasca and Cannabis.
I was guided to travel across Spain, Peru, and Brazil where I experienced many initiations, revealing the shamanic archetype within. From this point I began receiving guidance from subtler dimensions of consciousness, working intuitively with ritual, channelling healing songs, and upon returning to the UK, I was called to delve deeper into plant medicine shamanism with the native species of plants. I have been humbled to work with medicine women and men from an eclectic mix of lineages including: the Inca and Shipibo of Peru, the Huni Kuin and Santo Daime of Brazil, and the Rastafari - all of whom provided reassurance amidst the ongoing death - rebirth journeys along my path.

My mission
I have been reclaimed by my soul, Mother Earth and the Universe. I now feel intimately a part of the Great Mystery and my life feels authentic and expansive - a soul-centric way of being in the world I believe is our birthright as humans, and one that our culture has severed. My mission now, is to resurrect empowering ancient and shamanic practices within my own community to help others remember their own deeper truths and unique soul gifts. It is my vision that the world will change when - to whatever degree - any one of us can listen to the voice of our soul and not to the dictates of a deeply wounded society to contribute to the building of a new paradigm. Then, we participate in the redemption of the human spirit, re-engineering the culture on a set of emotional and spiritual values in the hope of a brighter, more colourful future for the planet.